Holding A Light In The Darkness

The headlines and top news story yesterday; “The story of humankind is reaching back another million years as scientists learn more about “Ardi,” a hominid who lived 4.4 million years ago in what is now Ethiopia.”

“Reaching” is the operative word here! The article continues… “The 110-pound, 4-foot female roamed forests a million years before the famous Lucy, long studied as the earliest skeleton of a human ancestor.” “This older skeleton reverses the common wisdom of human evolution, said anthropologist C. Owen Lovejoy of Kent State University.” “LONG STUDIED???????????” How long could anyone study these bones. How much time can you spend on a pile of bones?

Common “wisdom?” You’ve got to be kidding me, right?

The “reaching” part is true, the “wisdom” part is a joke! How could you ever come up with an astronomical number like 4.4 million years ago?????

Carbon dating is only accurate back a few thousand years. How then, did they date this, with such “pinpoint” accuracy to within 400,000 years. At Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Scientists dated dinosaur bones using the Carbon dating method. The age they came back with was only a few thousand years old. So basically, when your test instruments don’t go back any further… you GUESS. You “speculate and hypothesize.” (Make it up!)

They must have some of the same people working with them as we have calculating the national debt… they’ve lost count and don’t really care. Their “so-called” facts are so far from facts that it would take me 29 quadrillion years to begin to think like they do, or use the “calculations” of a turtle to plan his run across a busy road and avoid getting hit by a semi-tractor trailer!

They go on… “Rather than humans evolving from an ancient chimp-like creature, the new find provides evidence that chimps and humans evolved from some long-ago common ancestor — but each evolved and changed separately along the way.” Oh really?

WAIT A MINUTE… Do you mean to tell me, after all these years I was taught that I came from an ape, it’s all wrong now? These scientists have got my world all “Topsy Turvy” now!

And for the FINAL BLOW?

“This is not that common ancestor, but it’s the closest we have ever been able to come,” said Tim White, director of the Human Evolution Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley.”

“The lines that evolved into modern humans and living apes probably shared an ancestor 6 million to 7 million years ago, White said in a telephone interview.”

Do you know what the word “probably” really means? It means were making the whole thing up and don’t really have a clue what we’re talking about, but because our student loans are already paid off and we make a whole lot of money as professors, and like our easy job’s, we’re not going to say that we’re full of horse hockey! It would give anthropologists a bad name.

Oh by the way, got any prediction on when we’ll evolve wings, so I can fly to the moon and save from having to spend my money on the space program?

It’s amazing what men will believe when they won’t believe the truth!

P.S. Anthropologists are social scientists who study the origin and physical, cultural, and social development of human beings. Anthropologists study the language, traditions, beliefs, possessions, and values of people in various parts of the world and formulate hypotheses to explain their research and findings. They generally specialize in physical anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, or cultural anthropology.

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